Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Head fake or for reals?

I am so far feeling really good about the portfolio rebalancing I did yesterday. The market is already offering some confirming regarding my opinion on the financials and gold. Of course this weeks moves are entirely BS as the report on Friday - 10/14 - the CPI should control the market action for the next 2 weeks entirely and depending on that outcome my results could move either way.

Nevertheless here are some snapshots of the portfolio and its composition. My cash % of portfolio has declined because my positions values have increased since yesterday - still I feel like this is volatility one way or another prior to the big move on Friday and I am willing to experience the pain or gain in meantime awaiting that information.

Here are the pics:

Here is the composition:

Things are certainly getting interesting to say the least, and I cannot remember a time in last three months that I was as eagerly anticipating an event as this friday's numbers. Well let me amend that ........... I was pretty excited about going to McDonalds this morning for breakfast. :) Did you know that they decreased the size of their breakfast sandwiches - what the hell is that? Raise prices and decrease the size? No fair.......




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