Monday, April 03, 2006

Unwinding some positions

I went ahead and closed out the Countrywide trade for a small profit. I became impatient with it and did not like how it was acting. As for Freddie Mac - the collapse continued and I took 1/3+ of the profits consistent with the system rules as the position overall is now up 110%+. I will continue to watch this one and would look to close out the position completely if the stock falls to 55. That would be a phenomenal gain and might be too optimistic. We will see.

Here is the P&L statements on most recent two trades -


Freddie Mac:

I am not sure what is next up after Freddie Mac finishes up. I am thinking about some PUTS on First Federal (FED) - but we will have to see. I am also tempted to take a 1.5 month hiatus due to finals but maybe I am jumping the gun a bit, we will see.

Best regards,



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