Monday, October 17, 2005

Things are lookin up........maybe?

Portfolio is lookin a bit better this morning. Still takin it up the arse with the XLF short, but I am tempted to add more there, as my favorite commentator/blogger - Bill Cara - has also jumped on board there. (I was actually first on this one though!!!!!)

Anyways - I have basically decided that I have enough exposure right now and don't need anymore volatitlity in the portfolio. Last week I almost lost it on Friday. Now that I have had weekend to feel about it and also since positions have recovered a bit - I am feeling better. Now let's see if this is a false hope - or maybe we will make some real money together???

Here is snapshot:

Still unsure whats goin on with the SNDK call options plan. I will know by Thursday at 12 noon PST though (re: last time to buy options before earnings release!)




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